Rihanna refuses to compete with Beyoncé

6:22 7 Dec 2016

I hurts me to see Rihanna and Beyoncé’s fanbases fight over who’s better or more deserving. No need to put these amazing, brilliant and talented artists against each other. The industry and patriarchy is already heavy at work on that narrative (as always when women are successful and, omg, occupy space in the public sphere). So after a lot of posts on social media about the Grammy Academy excluding ANTi from Album of the Year and that this would be because of Beyoncé, Rihanna put the record straight.

The whole Bey thing seem to come from Kanye’s rant about her and the Grammys the other week (right before his hospitalization). Funny how I see the same people that decided he was over after saying he’d vote for Trump holding him up for dissing Beyoncé…


”We don’t need to be putting black women against each other! We deserve to be celebrated, and the Grammy Academy agrees!”



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