Bates Motel coming up

6:03 15 Mar 2017

Daniel Wu as Sunny - Into the Badlands _ Season 2, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Antony Platt/AMC

Like the devoted fangirl I am I started watching Bates Motel when it was announced Rihanna was to star as Marion Crane. I’ve sat through 4 (almost 5) seasons and finally, next week on Monday, Feb. 20 at 10 p.m. ET, Rih’s episode will air.

For those of you unfamiliar with Bates Motel, it’s a ”contemporary prequel to Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, giving a portrayal of how Norman Bates’ psyche unravels through his teenage years, and how deeply intricate his relationship with his mother, Norma, truly is.”.

And let me tell you, his psyche really unravels. I’ve sat and screamed in frustration over Norma’s protection of her clearly mentally ill teenager, she just doesn’t want to accept the fact that he needs help. WHICH MAKES HER CHARACTER SO ANNOYING AND SO WONDERFUL AT THE SAME TIME. I truly felt it was Norma’s show up until season 4 (and would have preferred it staying that way to be honest). Vera Farmiga’s acting is amazing. Unlike Norman I actually feel for her, while also wanting to rip my hair off in frustration.

Rihanna announced the news about her taking on the roll of Marion Crane from her hotel room in Stockholm back in ’16. This was the day after her 4th of July AWT concert. Anyone remember?


Rihanna out and about in Stockholm on July 5th, 2016.

Writers Carlton Cuse and Kerry Ehrin have mentioned her portrayal of the famous character will be quite different from Janet Leigh’s original in the 1960s film, which is only natural. Listen while they talk about why Rihanna was chosen as Marion and what to expect in the interview below:

I’m very excited and so happy for our gal RiRi. She’s truly getting to do all the things she dreamed of. February 20th, who’s watching?


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