He is Rihanna’s new man

7:32 28 Jun 2017

Or should we really say new? Fans have known Rihanna to be dating a mystery man for months. There was new years in London and the secret trips to the Maldives and Japan. After yesterdays release of some steamy poolside pics of the two, his identity has finally been revealed: Hassan Jameel, a Saudi businessman and vice chairman of family business Abdul Latif Jameel.

Pics from tmz.

The two are vacationing on Ibiza where a photographer caught sight of them and in 1,2,3 the secret was out to the world. The couple were seen again today, picking up some coffee while looking cute and comfortable.

Yes you better give her flowers.

Finally learning who this man is of course super exciting but to be completely honest, I didn’t mind them being a secret. It was nice to think Rihanna had her private life where she could enjoy a romance without the entire world watching. Perhaps contradictory of me to write as I’m posting pictures of the two and playing part in that privacy disappearing, but such is life. I hope people will continue to let them live their lives and for us fans to respect and support her in her happiness. That’s what I take away from it anyway. Their smiles.

As for Hassan, here’s what we know: he’s previously been linked with Naomi Campbell, is from a super-duper-ultra rich family and seems totally smitten with Rih. Their ship name hasn’t been 100% agreed upon yet, but it stands between Rihsan and Hassana. I have no clue what he’s saying, but found a video of an interview or something:

Will end with an earlier pic of the two. It’s from the trip to Japan earlier this year, and even though it’s blurry as hell you can see that again, they’re smiling :)

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society fashion is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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