”So stoned”

1:22 24 Jun 2017

For her final collection with Manolo Blahnik, a collaboration that started with ”Denim desserts” back in May 2016 and continued with ”Savage” a couple of months later, Rihanna has created 4 embellished heels that are truly the best we’ve gotten from Fenty’s stay in the luxury shoe biz (alongside the 9 to 5’s).

This third and final collection is called ”So stoned” (I see what you did there Rih) and $he made sure to wear one of the designs in the video for Wild Thoughts. The shoe is called ”Poison Ivy” and will cost about 1000x more than any mortal can afford (thanks to capitalism and his friend class differences). Looks amazing though.

Mamacita rocking ”Poison Ivy”.

It’s not always she’ll promote her work and/or designs but we should all consider us lucky this month of June because both video and shoes are getting the best of treatments. Yesterday Rihanna posted three gorgeous pictures, taken by her main photographer Dennis Leupold, of the shoes on her Instagram. Below are ”Bajan Princess”, ”Spice” and ”Poison Ivy” (in that order):

 Pictures by Dennis Leupold for Manolo Blahnik.

The final design is called ”Purple Chalice”, which we’ve only gotten a promo pic of so far:

All the shoes have Swarovski crystals on them, cost between $1,265 to $2,325 and will be available for purchase on July 6th over at manoloblahnik.com.

En kommentar | “”So stoned””

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society fashion is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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