Rihanna covers ELLE Magazine – x4!

11:46 7 Sep 2017

HOLY SHIT WHO WAS READY!? Rihanna is on the cover of not just one but FOUR (4!) ELLE covers in October! And she’s wearing Fenty Beauty on all of them! I’m pissing my pants from excitement!!!

ELLE US (x3):

The next cover is both US, UK and Canada:

ELLE Portugal:

And there’s an amazing interview in these too where she’s answering questions from Tyra Banks, Eminem, Zac Posen and Pharrell Williams amongst others. Some highlights from what Elle have posted so far:

David Copperfield, Magician: I’m not kidding, this is a real offer: I can make you disappear and reappear anywhere in the world. Where do you want to go, and why?

Rihanna: Ten minutes before I lost my virginity…and I’m holding you to that offer. LOL.

Laverne Cox, Actress: You’ve had so many iconic fashion moments and take so many risks. The iconic CFDA Awards Adam Selman dress in 2014—what gave you the courage to take that risk that was so perfect and elegant yet daring?

Rihanna: Dear Laverne, I took advantage of my titties before they go south. I saw my window, and I took it.

Behind the scenes:

Bonus: a lot of new pics from the Fenty Beauty line dropping tonight/tomorrow (depending on where you live) have been released. Enjoy, is all I can say, and perhaps hold on to your wallets:

Robyn Rihanna Fenty: I’m grateful I get to live during the same time as you.

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