Matriarkatet och spelen

10:49 22 Apr 2014

Jag firade annandag påsk bland annat genom att köpa Hotline Miami till ännu en plattform, äta en glass i solen OCH vara med i Umeå Studentradio – närmare bestämt i programmet Matriarkatet, som grymma Johanna Nordström ligger bakom. Vi snackade om våld och datorspel, om representation i spelen och i branschen och en massa mer. Lyssna här!

12 kommentarer | “Matriarkatet och spelen”

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  1. Gavin R. Jones skriver:

    If you stand too far away from your subject, the flash won’t be very effective so read your camera’s manual to find out how close to your subject you need to be.

  2. Gavin R. Jones skriver:

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  3. We talked about violence and computer games, about representation in the games and in the industry and a lot more.

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  5. ”Matriarchy” refers to a social system or government in which women hold the primary power and predominate in roles of leadership. When it comes to discussions about matriarchy and its representation in games, several points can be considered:

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  6. Alfalah Host skriver:

    ”The Matriarchy and the Games” delves into a fictional world where matriarchal societies dominate and influence the gaming industry. This narrative explores themes of gender dynamics, power structures, and representation within gaming culture. Through intriguing storytelling and social commentary, it offers a unique perspective on the intersection of gender and gaming.

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  7. ”The Matriarchy and the Games” offers a refreshing perspective on gender dynamics within gaming, challenging traditional narratives and fostering inclusivity and representation.

    Through its exploration of matriarchal themes, this project contributes to a more diverse and equitable gaming landscape, enriching experiences for players and creators alike while sparking important conversations about gender roles and power dynamics.

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    Through ”FRAMTIDSDRÖMMAR – DEL 4,” Michael Gill navigates the labyrinth of dreams and realities, urging readers to confront the complexities of their aspirations.
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  9. Matriarkatet är en teoretisk modell där kvinnor anses ha en överordnad eller dominerande roll i samhället. Det står i kontrast till patriarkatet där män traditionellt sett har haft makten och auktoriteten. Diskussioner om matriarkatet involverar ofta analyser av könsmakt, jämställdhet och sociala strukturer.

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  10. Crafts Emporium skriver:

    The exploration of matriarchy within gaming unveils new dimensions of representation and storytelling.

    As narratives evolve, so does the role of female characters, challenging stereotypes and enriching the gaming landscape with diverse perspectives.

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  11. Falisha Manpower skriver:

    ”The Matriarchy and the Games” explores a fictional world where women hold prominent roles in shaping gaming culture and industry trends. This narrative highlights themes of empowerment, inclusivity, and diverse representation in gaming. It imagines a progressive society where female perspectives influence game development, storytelling, and community dynamics, challenging traditional norms within the gaming sphere.

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