When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth

11:18 4 Jul 2014

Först: tack för alla kondoleanser. Min förlorade DayZ-karaktär kommer aldrig tillbaka (även om jag in i det sista hoppades att spelet skulle bugga tillbaka henne), så det känns bra att veta att jag i alla fall har ert stöd.

Jag har nu påbörjat ett nytt liv i postapokalyptiska Chernarus. Världen rullar på, också efter att mänskligheten reducerats till en sorglig samling ruggiga överlevare. För bara några veckor sedan uppdaterades DayZ med ett någorlunda rikt djurliv, som spelarna kan jaga. Igår träffade vi på vår första hjort. Eftersom vi alla tre var nyspawnade hade vi dock inte lyckats hitta något skjutvapen. Men vi bestämde oss för att inte låta det hindra oss. Jag och Mattias sprang efter det mäktiga djuret med en jordhacka och en brandsläckare (brandsläckaren är fortfarande ett av de mer kraftfulla närstridsvapnen i spelet). Efter en lång jakt till fots bestämde sig Patrick, till vänster på bilden, att joina in med sin machete – trots att han tyckte att det kändes farligt.

Ungefär två sekunder efter att den här bilden togs råkade Mattias sätta hackan i ryggen på Patrick, som dog direkt.

Livet har sin gilla gång i Chernarus.

13 kommentarer | “When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth”

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  1. Tutuapp skriver:

    If he doesn’t, don’t despair, you have a chance to change his mind, or not. Obviously, if he’s seeing someone else, you want to move on, at least for the time being.

  2. Vidmate skriver:

    If you’re shy, ask a good friend to help find out if he likes you, or is dropping hints. If you know for a fact that he likes you, you can afford to be a little more bold.

  3. Foeor Deuoe skriver:

    Look for hints he may drop. If a guy likes you, he tends to go out of his way to be with you. (This is not always true, but often a good indicator.)

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  10. The phrase ”when there’s no more room” might evoke different thoughts depending on the context in which it’s used. Here are a few interpretations and corresponding comments:

    1. **Overcrowding or Limited Space:**
    – *Comment:* In a practical sense, ”when there’s no more room” could refer to a situation of overcrowding or limited space. This could apply to physical locations, events, or even digital storage capacities. It prompts considerations about resource management and the need for effective planning.

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  11. Alfalah Host skriver:

    ”When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth” is a famous quote from George A. Romero’s classic zombie film ”Dawn of the Dead,” highlighting the terrifying concept of a zombie apocalypse. This phrase has become iconic in pop culture, symbolizing the idea of an unstoppable force overtaking humanity. It serves as a chilling reminder of the potential consequences of societal collapse and the fragility of human existence in the face of such catastrophic events.

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  12. Allied materials skriver:

    ”When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth,” whispered Michael Gill, his voice tinged with both dread and resignation. The words hung heavy in the air, a chilling prophecy of doom. In his eyes flickered the haunted knowledge of what was to come, a relentless tide of the undead. With each passing moment, the boundary between the living and the dead grew thinner, reality unraveling at the seams. Yet, amidst the encroaching darkness, Gill stood resolute, a beacon of defiance against the impending apocalypse. For in his heart burned the ember of hope, a fervent belief that humanity’s spirit would endure, even in the face of annihilation.

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  13. ”The dead will walk the earth” is a phrase often associated with zombie-themed media and fiction, suggesting a scenario where deceased individuals come back to life as reanimated corpses. This concept has been popularized in movies, TV shows, and video games, portraying apocalyptic scenarios where humanity must survive against hordes of the undead. The phrase symbolizes themes of horror, survival, and the breakdown of society in the face of supernatural threats.

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