När ska Hideo Kojima sluta behandla oss som idioter?

11:12 13 Aug 2014

DET är frågan jag inte kan skaka av mig efter årets Gamescom och Metal Gear-farsans senaste ”pattar är så jävla skoj”-utspel. Se nedan.

Det här är alltså samma snubbe och samma spelserie som tyckte det kändes rimligt att skriva spelmanus där bomber stoppas i unga flickors vaginor. Efter att de gängvåldtagits. När nyheten om att Guillermo del Toro och Kojima ska göra nästa Silent Hill-spel tillsammans kan jag liksom inte låta bli att fråga mig: varför?

18 kommentarer | “När ska Hideo Kojima sluta behandla oss som idioter?”

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    As a renowned game designer, Hideko Kojima has a unique storytelling style that challenges players’ expectations and often leaves them questioning the narrative. While some fans appreciate this approach as intellectually stimulating, others may feel frustrated or confused, leading to debates about Kojima’s intentions and the depth of his narratives. Ultimately, the ongoing discourse reflects the diverse reactions and interpretations elicited by Kojima’s complex and thought-provoking game designs.

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  12. Hideo Kojima’s approach challenges conventional gaming norms, pushing boundaries and provoking thought in his innovative storytelling methods.

    Critics and fans alike may sometimes feel perplexed by Kojima’s enigmatic narratives, but his bold vision and artistic integrity continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

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    As of my last update in January 2022, I cannot predict future events or changes in individuals’ behavior. Hideo Kojima, the renowned game developer, has a distinct style and approach to storytelling that may not resonate with everyone.
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    Perhaps when Kojima’s storytelling evolves beyond convoluted metaphors and obscure symbolism, he’ll respect the intelligence of his audience.

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    Fans and critics alike ponder, ”When will Hideo Kojima stop treating us like idiots?” as they navigate the intricate narratives and surreal twists characteristic of his games. Despite occasional frustrations, Kojima’s unique storytelling style continues to captivate with its bold creativity and philosophical depth, challenging conventional gaming norms. His work invites reflection and debate, fueling anticipation for each new project’s enigmatic journey.
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