Kendrick Lamar feat. Rihanna – Loyalty

11:50 15 Apr 2017

New music! Rihanna brought out her inner rapper on ”Loyalty”, one out of three collaborations on Kendrick Lamar’s newly released ”Damn”. I love it this song so much. It’s smooth enough to make me wanna bathe in it. The sound is exactly what I imagine a soundtrack to Rihanna’s birthday trip to Aspen back in ’14 would have been like. Anyone understand what I mean lol?

Besides from the feature Rih is also mentioned on track 12, ”Fear”, in which Kendrick raps:

I read a case about Rihanna’s accountant and wondered
How did the bad girl feel when she looked at them numbers?

A referens to the backstory of ”Bitch Better Have My Money”, where Rihanna takes revenge on the accountant who stole from her (real life story). Our girl RiRi, a true inspiration to peers and fans alike <3

I can’t believe how lucky we’ve been with releases this year? It’s only April and we’ve already gotten ”Selfish”, ”Nothing is Promised” and now ”Loyalty”. Next up should be her collab with Dj Khaled.

En kommentar | “Kendrick Lamar feat. Rihanna – Loyalty”

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  1. Renier skriver:

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