Why Rihanna’s talk at Vogue’s Forces of Fashion Conference made me cry

1:39 13 Okt 2017

As part of the Vogue’s Forces of Fashion Conference Rihanna was invited to a talk with Hamish Bowles earlier this evening. The interview starts at 4:11 and is a real treat to listen too. I mean Bowles didn’t do his homework and keeps asking her about where Fenty x Puma is going, where the next show will be etc when in fact she already did her final collection for Puma, but I love seeing her in these kinds of settings where she’s allowed to elaborate on a few topics instead of just doing fast questions at a red carpet event. The story about her Guo Pei dress at the Met gala for example, like wow, a TREAT starting around 20:20.

Live from our Forces of Fashion event: A conversation with Rihanna and Hamish Bowles. See more from the day: http://vogue.cm/sx5nYMq.

Posted by Vogue on jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

A little earlier, at 15:40, I actually started crying though. Speaking (again) about the diversity in Fenty Beauty she says:

We’ve had this amazing emotional connection with customers who’ve never been able to find their shade of foundation before. I mean like women crying at the counters. It’s crazy to even think about because when I first started creating the brand and make a foundation – it wasn’t that deep for me. I just… The first woman I ever saw put make-up on her face is a black woman – that’s my mom. So when I’m thinking of my costumer THAT is one of my customers.”

Yes, I’m pms:ing and I’m tired and in Berlin where nothing went my way today but it just says something about how closely connected diversity and quality are to each other. Just as it describes exactly how I relate to my own creativity. When I write it’s either my grandmother, best friend, baby cousin or myself I see in front of me. And one of those (preferably all) need to feel important and seen in the piece I’m making. For example: writing a comedy I doubt my best friend will enjoy is an impossibility. Because their needs and perspective is with me, so I have to be respectful of that and responsible in where I throw the punches (never down, always up). Likewise with me gravitating towards soap opera themes in my plays as this is a major connection for my grandmother and I.

What I’m trying to say: Rihanna recognizing her mother’s image when she sets out to make a foundation hits home. It’s beautiful and powerful and should not be underestimated.

Speaking of soap operas though, Rihanna truly looks like a mogul from The Bold and the Beautiful (Sally Spectra anyone?) in these candids of her getting to the conference! A LOOK.

And before we wrap this up: earlier today she did something I’ve never seen before. She went to the gym. A fangirl is surprised.

All pics from rihannarange.com.

En kommentar | “Why Rihanna’s talk at Vogue’s Forces of Fashion Conference made me cry”

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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