Rihanna gets emotional with her BFF

9:31 7 Apr 2016

It was only a few days ago we posted about Rihanna’s absence from the comment section on Instagram and expressed our concern with it being long term. In true ANTI fashion she has returned to the scene with the most heartwarming exchange of friendship magic in a long time. God bless Melissa Forde for getting emotional on her and God bless social media for allowing us to be part of it!

⚓️Reply on @mdollas11 pic, 20 mins ago. Thanks @dang4l @fre3ticketsdeeznutz ⚓️??

A photo posted by Eject Reject Witcho Rachet Ass (@rihplies) on

Also, am I the only one who thinks it’s effed up that barely no one talks of this relationship? Jay Z can’t do an interview without being asked about Beyoncé but with Mel and Rih, who have been by each other’s side in the public eye ever since Rihanna’s break through, it’s like it’s nothing special. I guess it’s not interesting if the relationship isn’t a romantic one…

The only time I remember a mention of their relationship is from the Miranda July interview (yes, that same one brought up a billion times in this blog already) in which the driver taking July to the interview says ”Her and Melissa, I think they are the best celebrity friends. I always say that.”. Miranda then proudly demonstrates that she knows Melissa’s last name, like M hasn’t been the closest companion to one of the biggest stars on our planet for over a decade?

Her name should be with you at all times, ok?! She’s the number one protector of our badgal, the one we can be sure to always have her back, keep her grounded and make her laugh. All hail Mel.




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