Robinson-Ragnar – ett lingvistiskt geni?

12:24 2020-05-09

I veckan ägde svensk tv-historia rum. Ja det tror kanske inte ni som inte kan tänka er att kategorisera något ur realityvärlden som ”svensk tv-historia” men det hände faktiskt. Händelsen var full av mystik. Ragnar Westberg Martinez bytte dialekt från sin relativt tydliga stockholmska till en typ av norrländska efter mången dagars magkatarr och kroppsliga smärtor. Ironiskt nog ägde händelsen rum i tvprogrammet Robinsons egen blindtarm: Gränslandet. När situationen tog plats var vi många som började fundera på vad som låg bakom det plötsliga skiftet i Ragnars tal. Är han en Sveriges Tarzan, men istället för att bli uppfostrad av apor blev han kanske bortadopterad av gänget i Pistvakt i tidig ålder? Sedan efter många månaders övning i storstaden försvann den ursprungliga dialekten och ersattes av stockholmska.. Och nu, när alla tarmar vridit sig i kroppen kunde inte hjärnan fortsätta med sin sent inlärda dialekt.

Nåväl, det sketna extraprogrammet förlorade de flesta tittares intresse så fort de gav urinvånarna Cruise och Jonas någon slags konstig ”vloggkamera” där de skulle helt ta hand om sin egen skildring av programmet för några veckor sedan. Dessutom har Anders Öfvergård nästan aldrig varit där. Likt en frånvarande chef eller familjefar har han fått de som bott på gränslandet att sköta verksamheten helt själva. Allt från tävlingar till programlederi. Detta har gjort att många av oss känner ett milt eller inget intresse för att titta på jävla-skit-Gränslandet.

Men efter att Ragnar och hans magknip flyttade in förändrades dramatiken drastiskt i programmet.

Psykologen Katarina spenderade tid vid Ragnars sida. Hon nämnde inte vid en enda synk att hon märkt att Ragnar börjat prata annorlunda. En händelse som man annars tänker sig att en erfaren psykolog lägger märke till, även när hon har tjänstledigt och befinner sig på Fiji med en 20årig dansare. Grejen med Ragnar är att han bor i Stockholm men kommer norrifrån, där den typen av dialekt som han anammade i avsnittet inte är ovanlig. Reaktionerna svämmade över hos svenska folket (eller iallafall min tappra skara av instagramföljare som också gillar robinson):


Jo, teorierna var många. Opiatutlöst dialektbyte, regelrätt kraftig stroke, känslotriggat skifte i talteknik, Freuds gamla goda regressionsteori… Ingen visste!! Alla i chock!!

In på ön seglade Fijis mest kompetenta språkpedagoger när produktionen började uppmärksamma talskiftet (hoppades jag men ack så fel jag hade).


Tyvärr var det inga retoriker som vandrade runt i sanden till Ragnars räddning utan ett vanligt gäng kompetenta sjukvårdare. Sen ägde den här betryggande konversationen rum. Vi vet såklart ingenting om Robinsons sjukvårdarteam men man blev väl försiktigt skeptisk när personen som gav Ragnar en spruta i röven resonerade såhär: eftersom att Ragnar skrattar håller han inte på att dö. Det är ju vedertaget att det som sist lämnar människan inte är hoppet, utan humorn.

Avsnittet igenom fortsatte Ragnar prata sin plötsligt kraftiga varma renskavsdialekt utan att själv påtala det för tittarna. Det passerade som om ingenting hade hänt. Även på Ragnars instagram har människor livligt kommenterat ”va sjukt att du blev norrlänning i förra avsnittet!!” utan att få några vidare svar från Ragnar. Inte ens han själv vet vad som hände, eller så vill han inte dela det med allmänheten.

Slutligen kom detta meddelande till mig som både skruvade upp dramatiken och samtidigt lugnade situationen på något vis:

hahaha. Inte ens familjen vet vad som hände lillebrorsan <3 han har ALDRIG PRATAT SÅ INNAN!!!

Det är så jävla roligt tycker jag.


Gla helg!!


135 kommentarer | “Robinson-Ragnar – ett lingvistiskt geni?”

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  1. Johanna skriver:

    att ragnar repostade denna artikel på story men fortfarande inte kommenterar saken gör mig galen!! vill iaf tacka alla inblandade för de mkt höga skratten detta mysterium har gett mig

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    We sell original abortion medicine which includes: Cytotec 200mcg (Misoprostol., Mifepristone, Mifegest-kit, Misoclear, Emergency contraceptive pills, Morning after sex pills, ipills, pills to prevent pregnancy 72 hours after sex. All our pills are manufactured by reputable medical manufacturing companies like PFIZER.

    Medical abortion is easy and effective for everyone to perform in their own privacy. There are very few complications that may arise from medical abortion if one follows the right guidelines as instructed by the obstetrician. Abortion Pills in Dubai Can Now Be Offered at Dr Jasmine Abortion clinic in Dubai, F.D.A. Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the first of two drugs in medication abortions, previously had to be dispensed only by clinics, doctors or a few mail-order pharmacies like Dr Jasmine Abortion clinic in Dubai . Now, We can provide it. For the first time, retail pharmacies, like Dr Jasmine Abortion clinic in Dubai, will be Able to offer abortion pills in Dubai under a

    regulatory change made Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration.

    They cause a process very similar to a spontaneous miscarriage and are 98% effective in ending a pregnancy when used correctly. Millions of women have used this method safely in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates(UAE), Qatar, Oman,Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and in many parts of the world. We then advise you to use surgery if it’s beyond 6 months. Our Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques Abortion pills in Dubai for sale. ,,+971502788314  The decision to have an abortion at the Abortion Clinic in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, involves moral, ethical, religious, family, financial, health and age considerations.

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    Question Tags: +971502788314,.Legit & Safe ABORTION PILLS , ABU DHABI Sharjah Alain RAK city Satwa Jumeirah Al barsha , CYTOTEC , MIFEGEST KIT IN DUBAI , Misoprostol , UAE” Contact me now via whatsapp…… +971502788314 Dr Elain “BUY ABORTION PILLS MIFEGEST KIT, MISOPROSTOL, CYTOTEC PILLS IN DUBAI, ABU DHABI,UAE” Contact me now via whatsapp…+971502788314

    abortion Pills Cytotec-+971502788314 also available Oman Qatar Doha Saudi Arabia Bahrain

    Above all, Cytotec Abortion Pills are Available In Dubai / UAE, you will be very happy to do abortion in dubai

    We are providing cytotec 200mg abortion pills in Dubai, UAE. Medication abortion offers an alternative to Surgical Abortion for women in the early weeks of pregnancy.

    We only offer abortion pills from 1 week-6 Months.

    We then advise you to use surgery if it’s beyond 6 months.

    Our Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical, medical and surgical abortion methods for early through late second trimester, including the Abortion By Pill Procedure RU 486, Mifeprex, Mifepristone, early options French Abortion Pill), Tamoxifen, Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol).
    the vagina, get the remaining 2 pills and place them under your tongue, allowing them to dissolve till you swallow everything. After

    the procedure, make sure you don’t urinate or drink water for the next 2 hours to enable the process to take place.


    How does the process work?+971502788314

    There are two types of pills necessary to complete an early medical abortion which must be taken within 48 hours of each other; these pills are Mifepristone and Misoprostol.+971502788314

    The first pill is a Mifepristone tablet, this blocks progesterone, a hormone that is needed for your pregnancy to continue. The Mifepristone tablet is taken orally with a glass of water. We then advise that you wait for one to two days before taking the Misoprostol pills.

    After your 24-48-hour break, you will take 4 Misoprostol pills which will cause your body to expel the pregnancy from the womb. Our pack

    comes with an instruction leaflet, which provides you with full details on how and when to take the pills. The second pills start the

    contractions to expel the fetus from the womb; we suggest taking a painkiller 10 minutes before. Using mifepristone kit is best on pregnancies that are above 12 weeks.

    Mifepristone, also known as RU-486 is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol to bring about an abortion during

    pregnancy. It is also effective during the second trimester of pregnancy. Effectiveness should be verified in 2 weeks after use.

    Mifepristone is an anti progestogen; it works by blocking the effect of progesterone, making the cervix easier to open and promoting

    contraction of the uterus when exposed to misoprostol.

    Mifepristone (mife-kit) is used in combination with misoprostol(cytotec) in order to perform a medicated abortion.

    You will take 2 sets of pills for your abortion to be effective. The pill you will take on day 1 is mifepristone. Mifepristone is taken

    through the mouth by swallowing like any normal pills. After swallowing the one mifepristone pill, wait for 24 hours before

    you use the other set of pills misoprostol, usually four pills. Put the 4 misoprostol pills under your tongue and wait till they dissolve

    before you swallow. For one to know that an abortion has been successful, one must bleed

    through the vagina. The bleeding varies in individuals, some individuals bleed for a much longer duration than others but it’s all normal.


    Surgical abortion involves the dilating of the uterus open/cervix then inserting a suction tube into the uterus and used to vacuum out the fetus and placenta from the uterus.

    A local anesthesia is used to prevent the pain during the process.

    Surgical abortion is a minor procedure that lasts for about 20 minutes

    on average.
    Abortion pills in dubai If you are in a country where you can’t find abortion pills.@@ WHATSAPP +971502788314 ,, We have Safe Abortion Pills In Dubai/
    Cytotec Tablets Available in Dubai, KUWAIT,QATAR,
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    We are providing cytotec 200mg abortion pills in Dubai, uae. Medication abortion offers an alternative
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    We then advise you to use surgery if it’s beyond 6 months. Our QATAR,KUWAIT.SAUDI ARABIA,
    Ajman, Alain, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK),
    Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion
    Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical, medical and surgical abortion methods for early through late
    second trimester, including the Abortion By Pill Procedure (RU 486,
    Mifeprex, Mifepristone, early options French Abortion Pill), Tamoxifen,
    Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The Abu Dhabi, QATAR,KUWAIT,OMAN,SAUDI ARABIA,
    United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic performs Same Day Abortion Procedure using medications that are taken on the
    first day of the office visit and will cause the abortion to occur generally within 4 to 6 hours (as early as 30 minutes)
    for patients who are 3 to 12 weeks pregnant. When Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used, 50% of patients complete in 4 to 6 hours;
    75% to 80% in 12 hours; and 90% in 24 hours. We use a regimen that allows for +971502788314,completion without the need for surgery 99% of the time.
    All advanced second trimester and late term pregnancies at our Tampa clinic (17 to 24 weeks or greater) can be completed within 24 hours or less 99% of the
    time without the need surgery. The procedure is completed with minimal to no complications. +971502788314, Our Women’s Health Center located in Abu Dhabi,
    The United Arab Emirates uses the latest medications for medical abortions (RU486, Mifeprex,
    Mifegyne, Mifepristone, and early options French abortion pill), Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol).
    The safety standards of our Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Abortion Doctors remain unparalleled.
    +971502788314 They consistently maintain the lowest complication rates throughout the nation.
    Our Physicians and staff are always available to answer questions and care for women in one of the most difficult times in their life.
    Do you want to know what it takes to have a safe and effective abortion up to 13 weeks? Accurate information, quality medications, and good preparation.

    Abortion pills in Dubai, Abortion pills in Sharjah ,, +971502788314 @”Abortion pills available in Dubai, Abortion pills available in UAE, Cytotec in Dubai, Cytotec Dosage For 6 Weeks Pregnant, Mifegest kit in Dubai, Buy abortion pills in Dubai,Buy Abortion Pills in Dubai ..,BUY (CYTOTEC) PILLS IN Dubai abortion pills For sale in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Doha, Saudi Arabia, Sharjah, Ajman, Alain, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, UAE. Buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol (Cytotec) in the UAE. Abortion pills are available in the UAE (United Arab Emirates), Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. Contact us today.@-The UAE’s leading abortion care service is in Dubai. Abortion Treatment. Medical Abortion. Surgical +971502788314..>. Abortion. Find A Clinic like us in Dubai We have Abortion pills in Dubai, Abortion pills in UAE, Abortion pills available in Dubai, Abortion pills available in UAE, Cytotec in Dubai, Cytotec Dosage For 6 Weeks Pregnant, Mifegest kit in Dubai, Buy abortion pills in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, KUWAIT, QATAR, BAHRAIN, DOHA, Saudi Arabia, Sharjah, Ajman, Alain, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, UAE., buy cytotec in Dubai abortion Pills Cytotec is also available Oman Qatar Doha, Saudi Arabia Bahrain We sell original abortion medicine which includes: Cytotec 200 mg {..+971502788314 >> (Misoprostol), Mifepristone, Mifegest-kit, Miso clear, Emergency contraceptive pills, Morning after sex pills, ipills, pills to prevent pregnancy 72 hours after sex. All our pills are manufactured by reputable medical manufacturing companies like PFIZER. Medical abortion is easy and effective for everyone to perform in their own privacy. There are very few complications that may arise from medical abortion if one follows the right guidelines as dictated by the obstetrician.

    WhatsApp:@@{+971502788314 We sell original abortion medicine which includes: Cytotec 200mcg (Misoprostol), Mifepristone, Mifegest-kit, Misoclear, Emergency contraceptive pills, Morning after sex pills, ipills, pills to prevent pregnancy 72 hours after sex. All our pills are manufactured by reputable medical manufacturing companies like PFIZER.

    Medical abortion is easy and effective for everyone to perform in their own privacy. There are very few complications that may arise from medical abortion if one follows the right guidelines as instructed by the obstetrician. Abortion Pills in Dubai Can Now Be Offered at Dr Maria Abortion clinic in Dubai, F.D.A. Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the first of two drugs in medication abortions, previously had to be dispensed only by clinics, doctors or a few mail-order pharmacies like Dr Elaine Abortion clinic in Dubai . Now, We can provide it. For the first time, retail pharmacies, like Dr Maria Abortion clinic in Dubai, will be Able to offer abortion pills in Dubai under a

    regulatory change made Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration.

    The action could significantly expand access to abortion through medication.Cytotec Abortion Pills are Available In Dubai / UAE, you will be very happy to do abortion in Dubai we are providing cytotec 200mg abortion pill in dubai, uae. Medication abortion offers an alternative to Surgical Abortion for women in the early weeks of pregnancy. We only offer abortion pills from 1 week-6 Months. If you have an unwanted pregnancy in Dubai, Abu Dhabi , the United Arab Emirates(UAE), Qatar , Oman,Saudi Arabia and Kuwait , you are not alone. Millions of women every year end pregnancies. One in every three women will have an abortion in her lifetime. Women around the world have used abortion pills to have a safe abortion.

    1) It is the right of EVERY woman to control her own life. We trust that you know your needs, and can make your own decisions about your own life and situation, your future.

    2) The World Health Organization lists Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the medicines for abortion, on the list of essential medicines that should be available everywhere. Mifepristone and Misoprostol can be safely used at home in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. They cause a process very similar to a spontaneous miscarriage and are 98% effective in ending a pregnancy when used correctly. Millions of women have used this method safely in Dubai, Abu Dhabi , the United Arab Emirates(UAE), Qatar , Oman,Saudi

    Arabia, Kuwait and in many parts of the world . We then advise you to use surgery if it’s beyond 6 months. Our Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical, medical and surgical abortion methods for early through late second trimester, including the Abortion By Pill Procedure (RU 486, Mifeprex, Mifepristone, early options French Abortion Pill), Tamoxifen, Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The Abu Dhabi, QATAR,KUWAIT,OMAN,SAUDI ARABIA,United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic performs Same Day Abortion Procedure using medications that are taken on the first day of the office visit and will cause the abortion to occur generally within 4 to 6 hours (as early as 30 minutes) for patients who are 3 to 12 weeks pregnant. When Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used, 50% of patients complete in 4

    to 6 hours; 75% to 80% in 12 hours; and 90% in 24 hours. We use a regimen that allows for

    completion without the need for surgery 99% of the time.

    After surgical abortion you might need to be given some antibiotics to prevent any possible infections.

    Surgical abortion is safe and effective once done by professional medical personnel and its success rate is 99%.


    Emergency contraceptive pills or morning-after pills are used to delay or disrupt ovulation in women hence preventing unwanted pregnancy.

    Emergency pills are only effective to prevent unwanted pregnancy only in 72 hours after unprotected sex. +971502788314 Emergency contraceptives cannot terminate an already established pregnancy, so for emergency pills to

    to be effective, they should be swallowed as soon as possible after unprotected sex.

    Types of emergency contraceptive pills sold in Dubai;

    >Levonorgestrel containing pills are effective in 72 hours after unprotected sex, these include ipills, jasmine, Lydia, Postinar, etc.

    >Ulipristal acetate containing pills are effective 120 hours after unprotected sex.

    Therefore Abortion is a fundamental right to each and every girl child with UAE | Dubai, Qatar | Doha, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and all parts of the Gulf countries plus the Middle East, so contact a professional doctor like Dr Elaine before you decide on carrying out a medicated

    abortion thus achieving the best and safest abortion results.

    WhatsApp: +971502788314  

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    Our Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical, medical and surgical abortion methods for early through late second trimester, including the Abortion By Pill Procedure (RU 486, Mifeprex, Mifepristone, early options French Abortion Pill), Tamoxifen, Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol).
    The Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic performs Same Day Abortion Procedure using medications that are taken on the first day of the office visit and will cause the abortion to occur generally within 4 to 6 hours (as early as 30 minutes) for patients who are 3 to 12 weeks pregnant. Coronavirus (Covid-19)
    When Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used, 50% of patients complete in 4 to 6 hours; 75% to 80% in 12 hours; and 90% in 24 hours. We use a regimen that allows for completion without the need for surgery 99% of the time.
    All advanced second trimester and late term pregnancies at our Tampa clinic (17 to 24 weeks or greater) can be completed within 24 hours or less 99% of the time without the need for surgery. The procedure is completed with minimal to no complications.
    Our Women’s Health Center located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, uses the latest medications for medical abortions (RU486, Mifeprex, Mifegyne, Mifepristone, early options French abortion pill), Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol).
    The safety standards of our Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Abortion Doctors remain unparalleled. They consistently maintain the lowest complication rates throughout the nation.
    # our Physicians and staff are always available to answer questions and care for women in one of the most difficult times in their life.
    The decision to have an abortion at the Abortion Clinic in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, involves moral, ethical, religious, family, financial, health and age considerations.
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