Quinnspiracy, del 2 – Den svenska spelbranschen säger ifrån (uppdateras löpande)

3:10 22 Aug 2014

Ni minns Zoe Quinn fortfarande, va? Ni trodde inte stormen bedarrat än, visst? Det har den inte. Den har tilltagit.

Phil Fish är en frispråkig indieutvecklare som bland annat är känd för att han gjort supercharmiga plattformsspelet Fez. Det, och för att han fått oändliga mängder skit av folk på nätet. Det gick så långt att han för ett par år sedan sa att han drog sig tillbaka från spelutvecklingen (det här var precis efter att han utannonserat uppföljaren till Fez). Han hade just kommit tillbaka till Twitter när hela den här Zoe Quinn-grejen briserade. Han tog Zoes/förnuftets parti och skrev ett gäng tweets i affekt. Bland annat ett där han menade att alla som slutshameade Zoe var våldtäktsmän.

Det skulle han inte ha gjort.

Doxxningen på Phil Fish hände någon gång i natt. Alla hans personuppgifter och lösenord fläktes ut på nätet. Hans telefonnummer, hans personnummer, login-uppgifterna till hans Paypal-konto. Allt. Och allt detta för att han försvarat en utsatt, kvinnlig spelutvecklare. Någon skrev att de gjorde det för att han är ”feminist och SJW”. Social justice warrior. PK-krigare, typ. Samtidigt skriver någon att Zoe Quinns pappa avslöjat att både han och hans dotter fått flera anonyma samtal sedan hennes uppgifter kommit ut.

De som gör det här vill att allting ska vara som det alltid varit. Inget ska ifrågasättas. Spelbranschen ska inte utvecklas – åtminstone inte på ett annat plan än det rent tekniska. För de här människorna är talet om ojämlikhet och representationsproblem ett direkt angrepp på spelen de älskar – och i förlängningen de själva. Alla som säger något annat är deras fiender.

Allt det här är naturligtvis långt bortom rimlighetens gränser. Ingen ska behöva vara rädd för att uttrycka sig – eller sitt stöd för någon annan – på internet. Spelutvecklarna som nu angrips är några av de som försöker pusha spelmediet framåt. Bana väg för nya berättelser. Nya spel. De gör det för att de älskar spel. Men hatet de får tillbaka vet inga gränser.

När Phil fått tillbaka kontrollen över sitt och sitt företags twitterkonto tidigare idag skrev han att vi alla skulle skämmas. Att alla med spelutvecklardrömmar skulle glömma dem. Han har sett framgången, men framgångens baksida är så enormt mycket större att han inte rekommenderar någon att följa sin dröm. Ingenting är värt det här. Twitterkontot är nu raderat. Phil har lagt ner sin spelutvecklarkarriär – och säljer sitt spel och företag för en spottstyver. Han orkar inte mer. Internetmobben vann.

Zoe och Phil är inte den enda som drabbas av det här. Också svenska indieutvecklare har under dagen fått sina sociala konton hackade. Det kan inte fortsätta så här. Det får inte göra det.

Det är dags att sätta ner foten nu. Att visa att måttet sedan länge är rågat. Jag hörde av mig till några av de svenska spelutvecklare jag respekterar och bad dem skicka hälsningar till Zoe, Phil och alla där ute.

These are messages from Swedish game developers showing their support for Zoe Quinn, Phil Fish and anyone else it may concern. Online bullying must come to an end. You are not alone.
Hälsningarna från dessa progressiva, vettiga spelutvecklare finns här nedan. Listan kommer att uppdateras allt eftersom fler kommer in.
Är du också spelutvecklare och vill skicka din hälsning, tveka inte att skicka citat/bild/filmklipp/osv till michael.gill@nojesguiden.se

Erik Svedäng, Game Developer (Blueberry Garden etc)

Naseer Alkhouri, QA Engineer på DICE
”Personligen vill jag reagera så här för jag fattar inte ens att det händer. Jag har alltid sagt att gamers är ett community, men för var gång sånt här händer känns det som att det är en klubb för innebördes beundran snarare.”

Loke Wallmo, Game Developer
”Dear Internet Bullies, about the attacks on Zoe Quinn and Phil Fish. What you are doing are wrong, unethical and need to stop. Phil and Zoe – stay strong.”


Åsa Roos, Game developer


Tobias Andersson, Game Developer. Turborilla.
”Zoe and Phil, I envy you your courage in calling out bullshit. Keep strong, and get through this terrible ordeal with your creative hunger intact. The world will be better for it, for sure.”

Doru Apreotesei, Game Designer and Creative Lead. Goodgame Studios.
”Events like these remind me why I never read comments on the internet. Lest you take these people seriously, remember, these are the same idiots who accuse people of being ‘White Knights’ or ”Social Justice Warriors’ – and who 100 years ago probably would’ve called opponents of segregation and racism ‘Nigger-lovers’, and with a straight face at that. They are the Mel Gibsons of the games industry, and deserve to be treated as such.”

Emil Kraftling, Game Designer.
”Dear bullies, harassers and online thugs. You have misunderstood the purpose of Internet. It is in fact not a tool for you to participate in abusive, threatening and downright criminal behavior under the cover of anonymity, but a tool for sharing and expanding the collected knowledge of our civilization, multiplayer gaming and looking at funny cat pictures. Please don’t forfeit a fruitful future for gaming by assaulting its creative minds. In fact, please stop assaulting people, period.”

Robert Jonsson. Creator of the role-playing games Bortom: Lögnens slöja and Leviathan.
”Internet can be an efficient tool. It has given us a multitude of opportunities to express ourselves. However, it is also an efficient tool to spread hatred. People hide behind the anonymity of the screen and speak in a manner they would never do offline. I don’t want to assume that everyone who spreads hate against Quinn and Fish are douchebags. That is a depressing thought. Think before you write. Would you say those words to your mother or father? Criticize by all means, but do so with kindness. You can criticize something constructively, without the hate. Not only would you be heard, internet would also be a better place. We must stop how hate is propagated on the internet. Let’s act civilized and build a better community.

To Quinn and Fish I just want to say: stay strong and don’t let your passion die! The world is a better place because of it.”

Mikael Bergström, rpg maker.
”I’ve always been a gamer. That is, I’ve always played games. This kind of shit is why I pause before I call myself ‘gamer’. These bullies are not my people. I still love games, but a huge part of so-called gamer culture makes me sick to my stomach. This isn’t gamer culture. This is hate culture. Misogyny culture. Asshole culture.

I wish I could tell you to ‘stay strong’. But that would be superfluous. You’ve already stood strong. You shouldn’t have to stay stronger than you already have. But know that you are not alone.”

Jonas Gry Fjellström, Former developer at: Daydream, Ubisoft, Coldwood
”To Zoe and Phil, I hope you can find the power to convert this negative energy into something creative. For over 20 years I have been playing games online and seen the hate grow bigger and bigger… I envy your courage and efforts of confronting these trolls… You have my full support in trying to convert the gaming community into the world of love it should be.”

Martin Sahlin, Game Developer. Coldwood Interactive.

Simon Karlsson, Game Developer (A Song for Viggo)

Christer Edvardsson, scenario developer
”Stay strong everyone. You are not alone. You have our support.”

Nicklas Nygren, Game Developer (Knytt etc)

1 441 kommentarer | “Quinnspiracy, del 2 – Den svenska spelbranschen säger ifrån (uppdateras löpande)”

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  1. Anton L-A skriver:

    Wow, att folk går tillbaka till samma mönster och pratar om hur utsatta och svaga kvinnor är. Det är de enda media vill prata om. Inte vad Zoe har gjort för att få sånt hat. Kanske om jounalister kunde prata om vad långt kvinnor har kommit spelbranschen, eller vad folk gör poitivt för att få in mer kvinnor i spelbranschen. Nej media vill bara fokusera på kvinnor som Zoe som känner sig så sårbar för kritik, medans hon manipulerar media och de så kallade white knights. Bra, bra artikel ni har här på Nöjesguiden som visar en sida av konflikten.

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  2. SPEL – Michael Gill skriver:

    Hej Anton L-A.

    Vad roligt att du läser min blogg! Eller i alla fall att du klickar dig hit och kommenterar. OM du hade läst inlägget hade du kanske insett vad min poäng var. Poängen är att det är ovidkommande vad Zoe (eller Phil) har eller inte har gjort. Poängen är att hela själva drevet mot en ensam individ bevisar hur fruktansvärt långt vi har kvar. Jag hoppas du inser vilken roll du själv spelar i det här.

    Fortsätt gärna besöka min blogg. Tveka inte att kommentera mer. Men läs gärna inlägget innan.

    1. thanks for sharing informative information !

  3. Alexander skriver:

    Phil Fish frispråkig? Han har en historia av att vara ett totalt rövhål. Han har sagt ”Nuke all gamers” och kallade Totalbiscuit för en ”äcklig nörd”. En person som ändå var väldigt neutral i sitt svar till Quinnspiracy.


    Då kan ju jag kalla dig för en jävla fitta och du kan kalla mig ”frispråkig”. :)

    Snacka om vinklade inlägg du skriver. Det har kommit fram fler och fler uppgifter om hur incestuös den här branchen verkligen är. Vissa personer har förhållanden eller vänskaper med varann trots att detta strider mot journalistisk etik. Dom ger till och med varann priser. Dom här skitsajterna som Kotaku och dylikt försöker bara rädda sitt eget skinn. Många indie-utvecklare och speljournalister är rädda för att komma ut eftersom det skulle förgöra deras karriär.

    Det finns massvis med screenshots som bevis för hur speljournalister och vissa indiespelutvecklare umgås med varann. Men det lustiga är att sånna som du litar liksom inte på det. Däremot så litar du på så fort någon av dessa SJWs som Zoe Quinn och Anita Sarkeesian påstår att dom fått dödshot trots att det oftast saknas riktiga bevis. Och sådant ska dom väl förövrigt anmäla till polisen. Inte gå ut med på twitter. Men det klart, det ger ju sympatier och framförallt klirr i kassan.


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    You cannot deny that in the present time, antivirus is the necessity of each system due to multiple threats, malware, and viruses. Mcafe.com/activate

  111. McAfee antivirus is a full threat protection based antivirus program that you can install and activate at Mcafe . You cannot deny that in the present time, antivirus is the necessity of each system due to multiple threats, malware, and viruses. cricut.com/setup

  112. Download and install Canon ij setup from Cannon/ijsetup to start using powerful features packed into the incredibly compact bodies of your Canon printer. You can find multiple ranges of printers such as canon inkjet selphy, Maxify, Canon mg3620 ink, Canon mx490 ink, or others.
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  113. Skype Login skriver:

    Download and install Canon ij setup from Cannon/ijsetup to start using powerful features packed into the incredibly compact bodies of your Canon printer. You can find multiple ranges of printers such as canon inkjet selphy, Canon mg3620 ink, Canon mx490 ink, or others.
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  114. McAfee.com/activate – Get world-class protection on your system by downloading, installing, and activating McAfee. Do so by visiting mcafee.com/activate.

  115. Cyber Crime continues to evolve, imposing new threats for us. And that is why using any antivirus software is considered necessary these days Webroot.com/secure.

  116. Canon printers, especially all-in-one Inkjet printers, are ideal for home and office use to gain maximum output with high-quality printing documents straightforwardly.

  117. Webroot is a computer security software program for Microsoft Windows users that combine software as a service cloud protection with traditional Antivirus and anti-spyware desktop technologies.

  118. All Canon and HP printers can produce superb glossy photos but Canon printers produce more natural-looking photos compared to warmer HP prints.

  119. AOL Desktop Gold Download Error-free aol can only be achieved if you follow the steps as described on the AOL Gold official website.

  120. 123.hp.com/setup skriver:

    For more information about HP Printer Setup, HP Driver & Software Install, HP Wireless Setup & Troubleshooting, visit 123.hp.com/setup.

  121. Canon.com/ijsetup provides the official web address of Canon. You can download the driver, manual and guides for your Canon printer.

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  124. ij.stort.connen skriver:

    ij.stort.connen provide a source to download driver on windows or MAC & Installation Guide for Canon printer or go to the link canon.com/ijsetup for easy installation, also find canon wireless printer setup instructions.

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    ij.stert.conen is a website that provides you a safe, secure, and reliable platform for downloading the driver.

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    Receiving an error message stating “QBWC1039: There was a problem with adding the application. Check QWCLog.txt for details”? Well, this is a pretty common issue these days, as many of you might come across such an error. The QuickBooks error code QBWC1039 is usually seen when you try to add the same configuration file twice within the application. There can be multifaceted reasons that can trigger the error QBWC1039 in QuickBooks.
    To fix this issue just read our article or consult our tech support team for further technical assistance.
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  139. Canon Pixma TS3322 is a multi-functional printer, which enables you to perform many actions including, print, copy, and scan, all at once.

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  144. Microsoft 365 setup offers Office apps and additional Microsoft services. offers access to the Microsoft 365 software product. This portal allows downloading office apps on your 32 or64-bit system. In addition, you can activate the Microsoft services using a product key, and so a Microsoft account will be needed .

  145. Microsoft 365 setup offers Office apps and additional Microsoft services. offers access to the Microsoft 365 software product. This portal allows downloading office apps on your 32 or64-bit system. In addition, you can activate the Microsoft services using a product key, and so a Microsoft account will be needed .

  146. ij.start.canon skriver:

    Canon printers are ideal for every situation wherever you need a document, paper, or photo print or even if you wish to scan, fax, and do more ijstart.canon will make you learn how to set up a canon printer to get advanced printing features

  147. Struggling between intervals of enjoying your online HD movie and the buffering sign is a very unpleasant scenario. However, the Dlink router provides the best high speed internet to conquer that poor internet problem. Log in through dlinkrouter.local to your Dlink account to implement these set up steps.

  148. Are you thinking of how to perform a quick setup on your Asus router but there is not enough guidance? You have landed at the right place. Here are the expert tips on the asus router login procedure. Because from the login procedure, you get to access your setup page.

  149. There are some ways to set up your Orbi router quickly but using the web-based method is a brilliant idea. Going through the web gives you a big platform to reach all the advanced settings that need to be put in place. Type Orbilogin.com into your browser to begin.

  150. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    HP Wireless Printer Setup

    Connecting a printer over a USB cable is pretty easy. But connecting a wireless printer can become very challenging quite often. Follow the HP wireless printer setup process to install it in no time.

    1. Take the printer out of the box and remove all tapes from it before starting.
    2. Plug in the power cord, turn on the printer and install the print cartridges. Allow your printer to complete its startup routine, which includes printing of an alignment page (if applicable).
    3. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download drivers for your printer model.
    4. Install the drivers and follow the instructions during hp wireless printer setup process.
    5. In the meantime, go to priter’s control panel and use wireless printer setup wizard.
    6. Identify your wifi network and connect the printer to it using its correct credential.
    7. Complete the wireless printer setup process by connecting to your printer model as it would appear during installation.

    For more detailed information visit: https://mchelperprintersupport.com/hp-wireless-printer-setup/

  151. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    canon printer support phone number

    Canon wireless printer setup is very easy if compared with other available printers in the market. In case of any problem or confusion, canon printer support phone number is easy to get from the supplied manual. Follow canon printer setup process to install canon wireless printer.

    1. Take the printer out of the box and remove all tapes from it before starting.
    2. Plug in the power cord, turn on the printer and install the print cartridges. Allow your printer to complete its startup routine, which includes printing of an alignment page (if applicable).
    3. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download drivers for your printer model.
    4. Install the drivers and follow the instructions during canon wireless printer setup process.
    5. In the meantime, go to printer’s control panel and use wireless printer setup wizard.
    6. Identify your wifi network and connect the printer to it using its correct credential.
    7. Complete the wireless printer setup process by connecting to your printer model as it would appear during installation.

    For more detailed information visit: https://mchelperprintersupport.com/canon-printer-setup/

  152. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    Brother Printer Setup

    We are one of the most reliable, and independent 3rd party printer technical support and service providers, providing 24/7 online or on-call technical support services to the users of brother printer at a very nominal charge. Our printer experts have extensive knowledge to set up brother wireless printer in the simple ways. For brother printer setup, you can call our Brother printer support experts 24/7.

    For more detailed information visit: We are one of the most reliable, and independent 3rd party printer technical support and service providers, providing 24/7 online or on-call technical support services to the users of brother printer at a very nominal charge. Our printer experts have extensive knowledge to set up brother wireless printer in the simple ways. For brother printer setup, you can call our Br
    other printer support experts 24/7.

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    Check for correct User Name or Screen Name. Most of the time we rely on the browser’s auto-complete feature and select wrongly entered screen name in the past.
    Passwords are case sensitive. Therefore, always check the letter’s cases of the entered password. If possible, type the password as you use in a notepad and then copy and paste the letters in the password field. Below is a list of things you should always check before entering into troubleshooting.
    1. If any of your family member shares the same account, ask them if they might have changed the screen name or password.
    2. Look into your email inbox to get the actual screen name when you had registered with Pogo
    3. If you find any point relevant to your case, you can go to the article explaining how to reset password of your Pogo account and follow all the steps carefully to reset your pogo account password.

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    When your email stops working or gets hacked, don’t panic. Call Email Support Phone Number and let the highly skilled Specialists get you up running.
    Troubleshooting steps you can try to fix basic email problems:
    1: Make sure you’re connected to the web.
    2: Close the app, then reopen it.
    3: Sign out, then sign back in.
    4: Clearing the cookies and history of browser
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  156. If you are new to Amazon Prime or have recently subscribed to it, you can watch all its amazing stuff on your Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, and other similar streaming devices by activating your PrimeVideo. In this blog, you will not only learn how to activate http://www.amazon.com/mytv but also know the topnotch features of Amazon Prime, compatible devices, and more.

  157. McAfee web security offers several levels of insurance. Of course settings, it calls for every product application and records on the run. This can get irritating and tedious: Mcafee messages and internet security suggestions are not particularly illuminating. We are also concerned about some of the standard activities selected. Follow same mcafee.com/activate web address for more help.

  158. ESPN is the first company that works as a medium for bringing live sports online so that one can watch their favorite sports anytime or anywhere. To know more about the ESPN subscription plans or any other info visit espn.com/activate. If you want to know more about it feel free to get the valuable information from our website instantly.

  159. ij.start.canon skriver:

    Canon printers have always been the most popular and widely used printing devices that include various great printing features. They are easy to set up and use for anyone with any smart device. If you want to know more about the Canon printers, you must visit its official website now via ij.start.canon.

  160. The perfect way to get started with microsoft365.com/setup is gathering enough information and purchasing depending on your requirement. You can then easily download and install the software package by visiting .

  161. Norton is a leading seller of security and antivirus software in the world. Norton is one of the leading providers of computer software that offers protection against cybercrime. Norton is a popular software security company that offers a variety of different products. It also offers effective solutions to keep your data safe and secure. Norton is a popular anti-malware company that provides a range of services, including protection for computers and mobile devices, as well as data backup and recovery. There are many reasons to get a refund from Norton from the moment of purchase till the time of cancellation.

    Norton has a standard refund policy for all their products. Norton provides a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases. This is one of the best return policies in the market. Norton also provides free lifetime upgrades with purchase.

    Norton has a standard refund policy for all their products which includes a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases, lifetime upgrades with purchase, and free returns within the first year of purchase. This means that if you’re not happy with your purchase, you can cancel it without any questions asked and get your money back within 30 days.

    First you need to be sure that your computer is compromised with the Norton application. If you are not sure, you can always perform a scan for malware.

    The good news is that there are 3 easy steps to get Norton refund:

    Step 1: Contact the Norton support team; make sure they know that you need a refund and they will help you figure out how to file for one.

    Step 2: Download the Norton Removal Tool; this tool will help remove any Norton application from your computer, but it does not remove any of your personal information including files or settings.

    Step 3: File for the refund online; once the process is finished, contact customer service to finish up any remaining issues.

    The process for contacting McAfee for a refund is as follows:

    1) Contact the McAfee billing department by phone or email. They will send you a form to complete and save or print.

    2) Fill out the form and either fax it to the number on the form, mail it in, or submit it online. If you opt to submit online, make sure you have a valid email address associated with your purchase so that they can reach out to you.

  162. ij.start.cannon skriver:

    Anyone can buy a printer anyway the essential issue people by and large face ensuing to buying, which is nonappearance of particular capacities to set up their printer in their home or working environments. This is the explanation they need the assistance of a specific expert who can help them with the printer game plan through IJ Start Group. On the off chance that you are one of those people who love to acquire some new helpful information from time to time, expecting to set up their printer through ij.start law in isolation. Then you are at the advantageous spot as underneath we portrayed some basic steps for printer plan so you can without a doubt set up your printer

  163. Leo.d nourse skriver:

    Phil Fish is a frank independent designer who is known, in addition to other things, for making the super-enchanting stage game Fez. That, and because he got unlimited measures of poop from individuals on the web. It went so far that two or three years prior he said that he pulled out from the game turn of events (this was soon after he reported the continuation of Fez).


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  165. The wireless and wired models require drivers and software; therefore, each has to undergo one important installation process. If your printer model isn’t set up yet, you can get started now.

  166. The http://ij.start.cannon is a Canon printer drivers download site that offers the latest software and drivers to download on your operating system.

  167. Sign in with Microsoft 365 login account if you already are using Microsoft’s other services like Outlookcom, Xbox Live, Skype, or OneDrive, it means you can use this account for Microsoft Office 365 login.

  168. ij.start.canon skriver:

    Check and learn the best and easy methods to set up Canon printer hardware download and install the Canon ij setup. The site Ij.start canon is based on the computer operating system where you can find an online manual and guide. Use the wired or wireless connection to connect the Canon printer to Wi-Fi and router as well.

  169. Microsoft365.com/setup
    is an official portal to activate and start your Microsoft 365 product including office apps, cloud services and other collaboration services. You’ll need to Sign In and enter the Microsoft 365 product key.

  170. ij.start.canon skriver:

    is an official portal to activate and start your Microsoft 365 product including office apps, cloud services and other collaboration services. You’ll need to Sign In and enter the Microsoft 365 product key.

  171. and wired models require drivers and software; therefore, each has to undergo one important installation process. If your printer model isn’t set up yet, you can get started now.

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  175. Willson Smith skriver:

    Garmin Express is a tool to manage your Garmin GPS device from your computer. You can use this app to register your device, update your maps, and even to create backup copies. garmin.com express also allows you to save various maps and preferred locations. Your maps are auto-updated to provide accurate information just with a simple click of a mouse.Garmin express

  176. ACHONIM JOSEPH skriver:

    hbomax.com/tvsignin – Visit the main hobmax official website and enter 8 digit activation code at the activation process. User can activate HBOMax one the following gadgets like smart tv, Apple TV, roku, playstation, xbox and other streaming media players. At the point when you sign in to hbomax application on smart tv or other gadget, your gadget shows 8 digit code. This is the hbomax activation code which is utilized to sign in hbomax.

  177. Garmin Express is an application that is used to manage, set up, and register the Garmin devices. It is helpful for users in installing all the software and map updates. Whenever new updates are available, it gives you notifications at the same time. Users can save their desired maps and locations with garmin.com express and can view the data on the navigation device. So, garmin.com/express ensures quick and precise navigation.

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    HBO Max enables users to stream video on demand including films, shows, series and more all on one platform. You can also utilize the HBO Max app on your mobile device with the hbo max activation code. To learn more details about hbo max setup and register, visit its main website at hbomax.tvsignin and complete the set-up steps.

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  182. Garmin Express is an application which is used to display designs, register, and design Garmin devices. It’s a great way for customers to present all Garmin products and refresh their guides. When new updates are available and alerts are sent your way throughout the day.

  183. Ij.start canon skriver:

    Ij start canon helps to set up canon printer. It’s the online support platform to download and install canon printer drivers, firmware, and software

  184. wired models require drivers and software; therefore, each has to undergo one important installation process. If your printer model isn’t set up yet, you can get started now.

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  187. These are some Canon printer troubleshooting techniques that you can use to resolve minor printer issues. If the problem persists and you are unable to resolve it on your own, contact Canon Printer Customer Service immediately at their toll-free number, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One of the skilled pros will assist you in repairing it. If that doesn’t work, take your printer to a Canon-authorized service centre.

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  211. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    HP Wireless Printer Setup

    Connecting a printer over a USB cable is pretty easy. But connecting a wireless printer can become very challenging quite often. Follow the HP wireless printer setup process to install it in no time.

    1. Take the printer out of the box and remove all tapes from it before starting.
    2. Plug in the power cord, turn on the printer and install the print cartridges. Allow your printer to complete its startup routine, which includes printing of an alignment page (if applicable).
    3. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download drivers for your printer model.
    4. Install the drivers and follow the instructions during hp wireless printer setup process.
    5. In the meantime, go to priter’s control panel and use wireless printer setup wizard.
    6. Identify your wifi network and connect the printer to it using its correct credential.
    7. Complete the wireless printer setup process by connecting to your printer model as it would appear during installation.

    For more detailed information visit: https://mchelperprintersupport.com/hp-wireless-printer-setup/

    [url=https://mchelperprintersupport.com/hp-wireless-printer-setup/]hp wireless printer setup[/url

  212. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    We are one of the most reliable, and independent 3rd party printer technical support and service providers, providing 24/7 online or on-call technical support services to the users of brother printer at a very nominal charge. Our printer experts have extensive knowledge to set up brother wireless printer in the simple ways. For brother printer setup, you can call our Brother printer support experts 24/7.

    For more detailed information visit: We are one of the most reliable, and independent 3rd party printer technical support and service providers, providing 24/7 online or on-call technical support services to the users of brother printer at a very nominal charge. Our printer experts have extensive knowledge to set up brother wireless printer in the simple ways. For brother printer setup, you can call our Br
    other printer support experts 24/7.

    For more detailed information visit:https://mchelperprintersupport.com/brother-printer-support/

  213. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    Check for correct User Name or Screen Name. Most of the time we rely on the browser’s auto-complete feature and select wrongly entered screen name in the past.
    Passwords are case sensitive. Therefore, always check the letter’s cases of the entered password. If possible, type the password as you use in a notepad and then copy and paste the letters in the password field. Below is a list of things you should always check before entering into troubleshooting.
    1. If any of your family member shares the same account, ask them if they might have changed the screen name or password.
    2. Look into your email inbox to get the actual screen name when you had registered with Pogo
    3. If you find any point relevant to your case, you can go to the article explaining how to reset password of your Pogo account and follow all the steps carefully to reset your pogo account password.

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    Troubleshooting steps you can try to fix basic email problems:
    1: Make sure you’re connected to the web.
    2: Close the app, then reopen it.
    3: Sign out, then sign back in.
    4: Clearing the cookies and history of browser
    5: Check your browser extensions or applications and remove unwanted extensions


  215. GARFIELD VLADD skriver:

    Canon wireless printer setup is very easy if compared with other available printers in the market. In case of any problem or confusion, canon printer support phone number is easy to get from the supplied manual. Follow canon printer setup process to install canon wireless printer.

    1. Take the printer out of the box and remove all tapes from it before starting.
    2. Plug in the power cord, turn on the printer and install the print cartridges. Allow your printer to complete its startup routine, which includes printing of an alignment page (if applicable).
    3. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download drivers for your printer model.
    4. Install the drivers and follow the instructions during canon wireless printer setup process.
    5. In the meantime, go to printer’s control panel and use wireless printer setup wizard.
    6. Identify your wifi network and connect the printer to it using its correct credential.
    7. Complete the wireless printer setup process by connecting to your printer model as it would appear during installation.

    For more detailed information visit: https://mchelperprintersupport.com/canon-printer-setup/

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  391. The steps to turn off Always On Display (AOD) may vary depending on the brand and model of your device. However, here are some general steps that you can follow:
    For Android devices:
    1. Go to Settings on your device.
    2. Scroll down and select Display.
    3. Look for the option that says Always On Display and tap on it.
    4. Toggle the switch to turn off Always On Display.
    For iOS devices:
    1. Go to Settings on your device.
    2. Tap on Display & Brightness.
    3. Look for the option that says Raise to Wake and toggle the switch to turn it off.
    Note that some devices may have additional settings that allow you to customize the behavior of the Always On Display feature, such as setting a schedule or choosing what information is displayed. If you are having trouble finding the option to turn off AOD on your device, you can consult the device’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

  392. To share your screen during a FaceTime call on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, follow these steps:
    On an iPhone or iPad:
    1. Start a FaceTime call with the person you want to share your screen with.
    2. While on the call, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the Control Center.
    3. Tap the Screen Mirroring icon.
    4. Select the device you want to mirror your screen to.
    5. If prompted, enter the AirPlay passcode.
    On a Mac:
    1. Start a FaceTime call with the person you want to share your screen with.
    2. While on the call, click the Screen Sharing icon in the top menu bar.
    3. Select the device you want to share your screen with.
    4. If prompted, enter the device’s username and password.
    Once you’ve shared your screen, the person on the other end of the FaceTime call will be able to see what’s on your screen. You can stop sharing your screen at any time by tapping or clicking the Screen Mirroring or Screen Sharing icon and selecting Stop Mirroring or Stop Sharing.

  393. To screen record on an Android device, follow these steps:
    1. Open the app or screen that you want to record.
    2. Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Quick Settings panel.
    3. Look for the Screen Recorder icon, which looks like a circle with a dot inside it. If you don’t see it, you may need to swipe left or right to access additional options.
    4. Tap the Screen Recorder icon to start recording. You may be asked to give permission for the app to record your screen.
    5. Once you start recording, a countdown will appear. After the countdown, the recording will start.
    6. To stop recording, tap the Stop icon in the Quick Settings panel or tap the Screen Recorder notification in the notification shade and select Stop.
    7. Your screen recording will be saved in your device’s gallery or in the app that you used to record it.
    Note that the steps to screen record may vary depending on the device and the version of Android you are using. If you are having trouble finding the Screen Recorder option, you can consult your device’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

    How to split screen on android

  394. How to split screen on android

    To screen record on an Android device, follow these steps:
    1. Open the app or screen that you want to record.
    2. Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Quick Settings panel.
    3. Look for the Screen Recorder icon, which looks like a circle with a dot inside it. If you don’t see it, you may need to swipe left or right to access additional options.
    4. Tap the Screen Recorder icon to start recording. You may be asked to give permission for the app to record your screen.
    5. Once you start recording, a countdown will appear. After the countdown, the recording will start.
    6. To stop recording, tap the Stop icon in the Quick Settings panel or tap the Screen Recorder notification in the notification shade and select Stop.
    7. Your screen recording will be saved in your device’s gallery or in the app that you used to record it.
    Note that the steps to screen record may vary depending on the device and the version of Android you are using. If you are having trouble finding the Screen Recorder option, you can consult your device’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

  395. How to split screen on android

    To split the screen on an Android device, follow these steps:
    1. Open the first app that you want to use in split-screen mode.
    2. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the Recent apps menu.
    3. Locate the second app that you want to use in split-screen mode and tap and hold its app icon.
    4. Drag the app icon to the top of the screen until it is in the center or on the side of the screen.
    5. Release your finger to open the app in split-screen mode.
    6. Adjust the size of each app by dragging the divider between them up or down, or left or right.
    7. To exit split-screen mode, drag the divider all the way to the top or bottom of the screen until it disappears.
    Note that not all apps are compatible with split-screen mode, and the steps to enable split-screen mode may vary depending on the device and the version of Android you are using. If you are having trouble using split-screen mode, you can consult your device’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

  396. iPhone battery health
    refers to the overall health and performance of the battery in your iPhone. Over time, the battery’s capacity to hold a charge can drop, leading to shorter battery life and potentially unanticipated shutdowns. To help druggies cover their battery health, Apple introduced a Battery Health point in iOS11.3 and latterly.
    The Battery Health point displays information about the maximum capacity of the battery compared to its original capacity when it was new. It also provides information about the battery’s peak performance capability, which is the capability of the battery to deliver maximum power.
    To check your iPhone’s battery health, go to Settings> Battery> Battery Health. Then, you can see your battery’s maximum capacity and peak performance capability. However, it may be time to replace the battery, If your battery’s maximum capacity has degraded significantly.
    It’s important to note that there are several factors that can affect the health and lifetime of your iPhone battery, including operation patterns, environmental factors, and charging habits. To help extend your battery’s lifetime, it’s recommended to avoid extreme temperatures, uses original or Apple-certified dishes, and avoid constantly charging your phone to 100.

  397. how to turn on do not disturb on iPhone

    You can turn on Do Not Disturb on an iPhone by following these steps:
    1. Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen (for iPhone models with Face ID) or up from the bottom of the screen (for iPhone models with a Home button).
    2. Tap the crescent moon icon to turn on Do Not Disturb.
    • Alternatively, you can also go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and toggle on the switch for ”Do Not Disturb”.
    3. By default, Do Not Disturb is set to silence all calls, alerts, and notifications that you receive while the feature is turned on. However, you can customize the settings by going to Settings > Do Not Disturb and adjusting the options, such as setting an Allow List of contacts whose calls and messages will still come through.
    You can also schedule Do Not Disturb to turn on automatically at certain times, such as during bedtime or when you’re in a meeting. To do this, go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and tap on ”Scheduled”, then set the start and end time for Do Not Disturb to turn on and off automatically.

  398. Why is my Mac so slow

    There are several reasons why your Mac may be running slow, including:
    1. Insufficient disk space: If your hard drive is almost full, it can slow down your Mac’s performance. Try deleting files and uninstalling programs you no longer use to free up space.
    2. Outdated hardware: If your Mac is old and outdated, it may not be able to handle newer software updates, which can cause it to run slower. Consider upgrading your hardware if possible.
    3. Too many running applications: Having too many applications running at the same time can slow down your Mac’s performance. Try closing unused applications or using a tool like Activity Monitor to identify and close resource-intensive applications.
    4. Malware or viruses: Malware and viruses can slow down your Mac’s performance. Make sure you have a reputable anti-virus software installed and run regular scans.
    5. Outdated software: If your Mac’s operating system or applications are outdated, it can slow down your Mac’s performance. Make sure to regularly update your software to the latest version.
    6. Background processes: Some processes and services running in the background can also slow down your Mac’s performance. You can use the Activity Monitor to check for any background processes and close them if necessary.
    7. Corrupted system files: Sometimes, corrupted system files can cause your Mac to run slow. You can use the Disk Utility tool to check and repair any corrupted system files.
    In summary, there are several reasons why your Mac may be running slow. Try the above solutions to improve your Mac’s performance.

  399. Youtube overheating macbook

    Overheating is a common issue that can occur when running intensive applications such as video playback on a MacBook. If you are experiencing overheating specifically when using YouTube, here are some tips to help alleviate the problem:
    1. Close unnecessary applications: Running multiple applications simultaneously can cause your MacBook to overheat. Close any unnecessary applications to reduce the load on your system.
    2. Use Safari: Safari is optimized for macOS and can help reduce the load on your system. Try using Safari instead of other web browsers when watching YouTube.
    3. Adjust video quality: Higher-quality video requires more processing power, which can cause your MacBook to overheat. Try lowering the quality of the video you’re watching to reduce the load on your system.
    4. Clean your MacBook: Dust and debris can accumulate inside your MacBook, blocking the airflow and causing it to overheat. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently clean the exterior of your MacBook and the air vents.
    5. Use a cooling pad: A cooling pad can help improve the airflow around your MacBook and prevent it from overheating.
    6. Reset SMC: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) can help resolve overheating issues. To reset the SMC, shut down your MacBook, hold down the Shift, Control, and Option keys, and then press the power button.
    If none of these solutions work, it may be worth contacting Apple support or visiting an Apple Store for further assistance.

  400. How to Screenshot on iPhone

    To take a screenshot on an iPhone, follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the screen you want to capture.
    2. Press the Side button (on the right side of the phone) and the Volume Up button (on the left side of the phone) at the same time.
    3. Quickly release both buttons.
    4. You should see a flash and hear a camera shutter sound, indicating that the screenshot has been taken.
    5. To access the screenshot, go to the Photos app on your iPhone, and it should be saved in your Camera Roll album.
    Note that the steps may vary slightly depending on the model of your iPhone and the version of iOS you are using. If you have trouble taking a screenshot, you can also try searching for specific instructions for your iPhone model and iOS version online, or consult the Apple Support website for further assistance.

  401. How to Change Language on Netflix

    To change the language on Netflix, follow these steps:
    1. Sign in to your Netflix account on a web browser.
    2. Hover over your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and click on ”Account”.
    3. Under the ”Profile & Parental Controls” section, click on the profile for which you want to change the language.
    4. Scroll down to the ”Language” section and click on the drop-down menu to select a language.
    5. Click on the ”Save” button to save your changes.
    Note that changing the language will affect the entire profile and not just individual movies or shows. Also, not all titles may be available in all languages.

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    It’s disheartening to witness the online harassment and bullying that individuals like Zoe Quinn and Phil Fish have endured. Astrology, while not a direct solution to these issues, offers insights into the cosmic energies at play during such challenging times.

    In astrology, the current planetary alignments may reflect the intense and volatile atmosphere surrounding these events. For instance, aspects involving Mars, the planet of aggression and conflict, may indicate heightened tensions and confrontations. Additionally, Neptune’s influence could symbolize the blurred boundaries and deception rampant in online interactions.

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  1077. The article ”Quinnspiracy, del 2 – Den svenska spelbranschen säger ifrån” by Michael Gill sheds light on the escalating harassment faced by indie developers Zoe Quinn and Phil Fish. Gill highlights how Fish, known for creating the game ”Fez,” became a target after defending Quinn, leading to his personal information being exposed online. This situation underscores the urgent need for addressing online harassment within the gaming community.


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    Gill’s coverage emphasizes the importance of solidarity within the gaming industry against such toxic behaviors. By bringing attention to these incidents, he advocates for a more inclusive and respectful environment for all developers and gamers.


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