Sagt om The Hives

6:12 18 Apr 2012

To quote Your Lead Singer ”It’s actually happening! This shit is real!” but you fans knew it all along.

“…a moment that live festivals are made for. Almqvist is still one of rock’s most engaging frontmen.” – LA Times

“This Swedish quintet remains one of the most riveting live rock bands of the last dozen years.” – Spin

“The Hives were the real stars of the festival, tearing through one of the most fantastically fun sets of the entire weekend.” – Yahoo

“…one of this weekend’s most impressive acts.” – Myspace

“The Hives returned with excited garage-rock and hilarious self-regard from singer Pelle Almqvist” – Rolling Stone

“It’s unclear how many people had been screaming for this particular band’s return, but they made a thoroughly convincing argument that they deserve to be back.” – Variety

“…a stunning performance.” – MSN

Källa: The Hives


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