Iceland Airwaves: Snorri Helgason

5:36 2 Nov 2012

På Ingólfstorget står ett litet rött hus med vita knutar och grästak, Eldhús – The Little House of Music. Inspired by Iceland tar dit 16 isländska artister som live-streamas under festivalen.

Nyss spelade Snorri Helgason (Snorri och Silla). Med en susande vind i bakgrunden (trots att vi satt inomhus) passade jag på att ställa lite frågor:

There’s a kind of a music boom going on here at the moment. What’s up with that?
I guess we’ll know later, in a few years. But we feel it and hear it to. We kind of help eachother out, we’re all friends. Sounds corny but it’s true.

What’s your relationship to this festival?
I’ve performed each year since 2006. It’ a big and important part of the icelandic music scene. Something to look forward to. Feels a bit like watering the ground. It gives a boost. It’s also getting better and better.

What do you like about Iceland Airwaves?
It’s our home! We can run to shows where everybody we know is playing. You just walk around and drop in at different places. It has a harvest feeling. And the crazy party people of course.

Regarding the wind…
Makes it a little bit more fun! But this is not normal, it’s the worst case scenario. A roof went off and a window broke at my neighbour’s house.

Who do you look forward to see?
I’m too busy but if I could choose I would like to go to Dirty Projectors! And Hjaltalín.

What would you say to others they can’t miss?
Boogie Trouble – icelandic retro disco
Sin Fang
Ásgeir Trausti

I’ve heard that people tend to believe in elves here. True? You?
It’s stories that kind of got stuck with you, like a nice grandma story. It’s a nice thought, to be respectful towards nature. It’s more fun to believe in than not to. There’s no wasted energy in that.

Which song would you like me to link to?

Snorri & Silla.

Inspired by Iceland har även en kampanj där de tar reda på vad Island skulle heta om man själv fick välja, vad är ditt Island. Under en värmande kaffe fick det bli Windland för mig. För Snorri blev det Homeland.

Dagens inspiration:
Denna video av Inspired by Iceland om hur det kan se ut andra dagar. Dans och natur utlovas!

.Gustav Nord


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  1. Mansano skriver:

    I en vardag där jag ständigt jobbar med att inspirera mig själv och andra så var denna video ”dagens”. Tack!


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